Add an optional “Meet Our Team” page to your dental web portal. Just upload photos of the dentist with your dental team to your Photos & Media/Images section first.
Then you can select from three layout options – a single group photo with a description beneath, or individual photos placed either to the right or to the left of the text.
You can easily add, delete and rearrange your photos whenever you like.
In the “Meet Our Team” area of the “Customize Portals” section, you can optionally decide to display pictures and more information about your team members.
Make sure the “Display on portal” box in the top right-hand corner is checked to include a “Meet Our Team” page on your web portal. Use the drop-down menu under “Layout” to select your page layout style: larger photos with a description beneath, or individual photos placed either to the right or to the left of the text.
Click “New Photo” to add an image. For best results, choose a picture in landscape orientation that is 400 pixels wide – and remember, it is your responsibility to get written consent from anyone whose picture is on your dental website. You will also probably want to write some descriptive text describing who is shown in the photo.
You can edit entries by clicking the pencil icon, delete them with the trash can icon, and use the arrow keys to re-order them. If you would like to copy the “Meet Our Team” page from one of your web portals to another, just click the “Copy from another portal” link at the bottom of the page.
Then take a look at the “Meet Our Team” page on your live web portal. You could display a single group photo, or you can list team members individually – whatever works best for your practice.