Select the credit cards that you accept at this location.
You can either drag and drop credit carts from our list of suggestions or you can upload the logo of any other card. It’s easy to add, delete and edit your list of cards and you can also rearrange them in any order you like.
We have also included a suggested financial arrangement statement that will appear on your web portals and in the directories and portals. You can edit this text in any way you like and the changes will appear immediately.
Patients are always concerned with how to pay for treatment. The sidebar navigation on your dental practice web portal includes “Convenient Financial Terms.”
You can change the text shown there in the “Financial Terms” section of the practice location by editing the “Financial Arrangement Statement” in the Control Panel. We’ve already provided generic text that you can edit, or write your own from scratch. You can always click “Reset” to get back to the original generic text. The office phone number will automatically appear wherever {Phone} is written in curly brackets. Just change the text here, and it will automatically be updated on your live web portal.
To show patients what credit cards they can use, select a card from the list at right, then click the arrow to add it to the list of cards you accept.
If you want to add a card that’s not already listed, just click “New Card.” You’ll need to select a 60 by 40 pixel image, either one you’ve already added to your “My Images” library, or by uploading it directly from your computer. Just select the image you want to add the card to your list. Next, click the pencil icon to edit the name of the card as it will be displayed. All of the credit cards you select will appear on the live web portal.